27 October 2022

Your Home, Your Voice


Your Home, Your Voice

We want to deliver the best possible service to YHN customers. To make sure we’re best meeting your needs, we’ll be carrying out an all-customer survey called ‘Your home, your voice’ in winter 2022.  We’ll be launching the survey on Wednesday 2 November.

Your Home, Your Voice

‘Knowing our customers’ is one of our Business Plan objectives for this year, and really knowing who our customers are will help us to plan our services for the future and provide a more tailored customer experience each time you interact with us.

This is also your opportunity to feedback about how you think we’re performing. In this survey we’ll also be asking the Tenant Satisfaction Measures which have recently been introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing to assess how well landlords are doing at providing good quality homes and services.

We’ll be focusing on three areas:

  • you (which will include things like languages spoken, any support needed to maintain your tenancy, and how you prefer to communicate with YHN)
  • your safety (so things like emergency evacuation, anti-social behaviour concerns, and is your home safe to live in)
  • your contact with YHN (whether you feel listened to, do you feel you’re kept informed and your overall satisfaction with YHN).

It’s so important you take part – please keep an eye out for your personalised link to complete the survey.  This will be sent to you via email if we hold an email address for you.  If we don’t, you might be contacted directly by telephone to complete the survey, or a member of staff from YHN may visit you and complete the survey.

We know that you might still have some questions about the survey, so we’ve created a handy frequently asked questions section which we hope will answer any questions you have. Click here to read our FAQs.

If you have received a text or an email in the wrong name, please email us at getinvolved@yhn.org.uk to let us know.

To read our terms and conditions click here.

If you'd like to know more about having your say on the services that you receive, click here.

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